Source code for mijnahlib.mijnahlib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# File:
Main module file

Put your classes here

import logging
from requests import Session
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Bfs

from .mijnahlibexceptions import InvalidCredentials, UnknownServerError

__author__ = '''Costas Tyfoxylos <>'''
__docformat__ = 'plaintext'
__date__ = '''10-05-2017'''

# This is the main prefix used for logging
LOGGER_BASENAME = '''mijnahlib'''
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_BASENAME)

LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Het e-mailadres en/of wachtwoord is onjuist'

[docs]class Server(object): """Object modeling the server connection. Handles the authentication and exposes all the internal parts as attributes. """ def __init__(self, username, password): logger_name = '{base}.{suffix}'.format(base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__) self._logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self.username = username self.password = password self.session = Session() self.url = '' self._authenticate() self.shopping_cart = ShoppingCart(self) self._stores = None self._services = None def _authenticate(self): data = {'userName': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'rememberUser': True} url = '{base}/mijn/inloggen/basis'.format(base=self.url) response =, data=data) # at this point we don't have enough information to know what went # wrong if we didn't get a valid response. if not response.ok: raise UnknownServerError(response.text) soup = Bfs(response.text, 'html.parser') # we did not login successfully if LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE in response.text: error = soup.find('div', {'class': 'error_notices'}).text raise InvalidCredentials(error) # we try to get the redirect we are provided with in the meta tag redirect = soup.find('meta').attrs['content'].split('=')[1] success_url = '{base}{redirect}'.format(base=self.url, redirect=redirect) self.session.get(success_url) return True @property def stores(self): if not self._stores: url = ('{base}/data/winkelinformatie/winkels/' 'json').format(base=self.url) response = self.session.get(url) data = response.json() # self._services = [Service(values) # for name, values in data.get('services').items()] self._stores = [Store(info) for info in data.get('stores')] return self._stores
#TODO implement the service and bind it with store object.
[docs]class Service(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class Store(object): def __init__(self, info): self._info = info @property def _format(self): return self._info.get('format') @property def city(self): return self._info.get('city') @property def street(self): return self._info.get('street') @property def street_number(self): return self._info.get('housenr') @property def zip_code(self): return self._info.get('zip') @property def address(self): return u'{street} {nr} {zip} {city}'.format(street=self.street, nr=self.street_number, zip=self.zip_code, @property def telephone(self): return self._info.get('phoneNumber') @property def opening_times_today(self): return self._info.get('status') @property def latitude(self): return self._info.get('lat') @property def longtitude(self): return self._info.get('lng') @property def opens_sunday(self): return True if self._info.get('sunday') else False @property def opens_evenings(self): return True if self._info.get('openEvening') else False @property def id(self): return self._info.get('no')
[docs]class ShoppingCart(object): """Object modeling the shopping cart. It is able to add items to the cart, by id or description. It exposes item objects through the content attribute""" def __init__(self, ah_instance): logger_name = '{base}.{suffix}'.format(base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__) self._logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self._ah = ah_instance self._url = ('{base}/service/rest/shoppinglists/0/' 'items').format(base=self._ah.url)
[docs] def add_item_by_id(self, item_id, quantity=1): """Adds items to the shopping cart by the internal id representation :param item_id: The internal representation of the item :param quantity: The quantity as an integer :return: True on success False otherwise. """ return self._add_item('PRODUCT', 'id', item_id, quantity)
[docs] def add_item_by_description(self, description, quantity=1): """Adds items to the shopping cart by the internal id representation :param description: The description of the item :param quantity: The quantity as an integer :return: True on success False otherwise. """ return self._add_item('UNSPECIFIED', 'description', description, quantity)
def _add_item(self, submission_type, item_type, item_info, quantity): data = {'type': submission_type, 'item': {item_type: item_info}, 'quantity': int(quantity)} response =, json=data) return response.ok @property def contents(self): """The contents of the shopping cart :return: A list of items according to their type """ url = ('{base}/service/rest/delegate' '?url=%2Fmijnlijst').format(base=self._ah.url) response = self._ah.session.get(url) data = response.json() items_lanes = [lane for lane in data['_embedded']['lanes'] if lane['type'] == 'ShoppingListLane'] products = [ItemFactory(self._ah, item) for cart in items_lanes for item in cart.get('_embedded').get('items')] return products
[docs] def get_items_with_discount(self): """Get the items that are on discount on the shopping cart :return: A list of product objects or empty. """ return [item for item in self.contents if item.has_discount]
[docs]class ItemFactory(object): """A factory that instantiates the appropriate object based on type""" def __new__(cls, ah_instance, info): product_type = info.get('type').lower() if product_type == 'product': return Product(ah_instance, info) elif product_type == 'unspecifieditem': return UnspecifiedProduct(ah_instance, info)
[docs]class Item(object): """Generic class of the products objects Handles all the common parts """ def __init__(self, ah_instance, info): logger_name = '{base}.{suffix}'.format(base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__) self._logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self._ah = ah_instance self._info = info @property def url(self): """The url of the item :return: The url of the item """ _url = self._info.get('navItem', {}).get('link', {}).get('href', {}) return self._ah.url + _url @property def quantity(self): """The quantity of the items in the shopping cart :return: The quantity of the items """ return self._info.get('_embedded', {}).get('listItem', {}).get('quantity')
[docs]class UnspecifiedProduct(Item): """An object to model the unspecified products""" def __init__(self, ah_instance, info): super(UnspecifiedProduct, self).__init__(ah_instance, info) @property def description(self): """The description of the product""" description = self._info.get('description') return description.replace(u'\xad', u'') def __getattr__(self, attribute): item = self.__dict__.get(attribute) if not item: message = ('Unspecified Products do not support all the ' 'attributes of Products. {} is not a supported ' 'attribute'.format(attribute)) self._logger.warning(message) return item
[docs]class Product(Item): """An object to model the products.""" def __init__(self, ah_instance, info): super(Product, self).__init__(ah_instance, info) @property def _product(self): return self._info.get('_embedded').get('product') @property def id(self): """The internal id of the item""" return self._product.get('id') @property def is_orderable(self): """Whether the object is orderable on not :return: A boolean of the state """ return self._product.get('availability', {}).get('orderable', False) @property def category(self): """The category of the product""" return self._product.get('categoryName') @property def price(self): """The price of the product""" return self._product.get('priceLabel', {}).get('now') @property def price_previously(self): """The previous price of the product if on discount.""" return self._product.get('priceLabel', {}).get('was') @property def has_discount(self): """Whether the object is a discounted one""" discount = self._product.get('discount') return True if discount else False @property def measurement_unit(self): """The measurement unit of the product according to AH""" return self._product.get('unitSize') @property def description(self): """The description of the object""" description = self._product.get('description') return description.replace(u'\xad', u'') @property def brand(self): """The brand of the product""" return self._product.get('brandName')